Exceptional People
Thessaloniki, Greece

The project Exceptional People is a hymn to diversity, to people with special gifts and special abilities. Through the notes I tried to reflect the difficulties of everyday life but also the strength, the greatness of soul that every person needs to cope and to taste the joy of life. The work begins with aggressive melodies, feelings experienced by a person characterized by special characteristics when he is struck by the abysmal “normality” of most of society.

Then the notes become clearer, more confident, more dynamic, extolling the greatness of diversity and acceptance that requires education, insight, courage. Emotion floods the melodies. The scores overflow with emotion, lyricism, beauty and higher ideals that music should promote and cultivate against the animalistic instincts of human nature.

The work concludes with all the symphonic instruments coming together in an endless celebration, a hymn to the power of diversity. Hymn to the daily small victories that every human personality achieves in the effort to conquer happiness and feel complete in this world. It is a work full of bright colors, flavors of life through a unique perspective where diversity takes the lead, dominates and “hides” with bluntly in the eyes of the respective dogmatism.

Exceptional People (2020)

For Sinfonietta [2-2-2-2 / 2-1-1-0/ Timp. + 1 Perc. / Str. 10-8-6-4-3]

Duration ~ 8′:08″

Premiered December 3rd, 2019 at the Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece.

Thessaloniki City Sympony Orchestra, Eri Kourbali, Conductor.